Solutions for the most common login-related issues are provided below:
Forgot password:
Your password can be reset here.
- Type your email address into the User Email field
- Click Next. You’ll receive a new password from within a few minutes.
Not receiving the password email:
If you’ve reset the password, but have not received the email from, first check your spam folder as the email can sometimes be routed there.
See also Not Receiving Emails From Extensis
The password sent to me is not working:
The password is case-sensitive, meaning that EXTENSIS is not the same as extensis. You will need to enter the password exactly as it was sent. If manually typing the credentials doesn't work, try copying and pasting the password to avoid any transpositions. When selecting the text to copy, be careful to ensure you don't select additional characters immediately before or after the password. If all else fails, you can request another password through the website.
My email is not recognized:
You’ll receive this error if:
- You’re trying to log in with an email address that is not registered at
- You’re logging in with an email address that was previously used, but has not been accessed for a few years. We've updated our system since you last logged in, which requires users to re-activate their account.
The solution for either scenario is to create a new account. If you create a new account using the email address from your old account, you will be able to access your previously existing account and licensing information.
My licensing is registered to an old email address and not accessible
If you need access to licenses purchased from another account that you're no longer able to access, please contact Customer Service by creating an online ticket.