Simple ad workflow
In this example we will make Corbit watch a folder. PDF files will be moved to a PDF preflight workflow, InDesign and Quark documents will be moved to a folder for manual review, images will be moved to a FTP server for further handling and all the other files will be moved to a folder for manual handling.
The components we need to do this are;
- Source: A folder source that will watch the folder.
- Filter: A file filter to recognize PDF files.
- Filter: A file filter to recognize InDesign and Quark documents (note! one filter for both).
- Filter: A file filter for the image types that we want to transfer to FTP server.
- Filter: A file filter to catch all the files that are not recognized by the filters above.
- Action: A move action for the PDF files.
- Action: A move action for the InDesign and Quark documents.
- Action: A FTP action to send images to FTP server.
- Action: A delete action which will delete the local image when it has been uploaded to the FTP (note! if we don't delete the file it will be handled by the 'all files' filter and will be moved to the manual handling folder).
- Action: A move action for all the rest of files.
The only source we need is a folder source. In our example the folder /workflow/in will be scanned. All detailed settings for this source can be viewed in image 4.1-1.
In this example we need four different filters. The last filter is to catch all the remaining files which has not been caught in the other three filters. We will be able to use two of the default filters in Corbit, the one to catch PDF files (*** PDF document) and the last filter which will catch all the remaining files (*** All files). The images below shows the settings for the four filters.
Filter settings for PDF documents. Filter settings for InDesign and Quark documents.
Filter settings for images. Filter settings for 'all files'.
In this example we will need five actions, four obvious ones and one delete action after the FTP upload action since we don't want to save the images on the local drive after the upload. The settings for the actions are seen in the images below.
Image 4.1-6 Action settings for the move of Image 4.1-7 Action settings for moving PDF documents. InDesign and Quark documents.
Action settings for the move ofPDF Documents Action settings for moving InDesign and Quark documents.
Action settings for FTP sending. Action settings for deletion.
Action settings for moving remaining files.
The image below shows how all the components above are created and put together in the Workflow.
Workflow component settings.