Summary of problem:
By default, Express Server version 9.5.x uses Tomcat 8. To take advantage of security fixes in more recent versions of Tomcat, you may want to upgrade the version of Tomcat used by Express Server.
Important: More recent versions of Tomcat may include changes that break functionality in Express Server. You should always create a backup of the Express Server Tomcat directory before attempting to upgrade Tomcat.
Tomcat 10 is not currently supported for use with Express Server.
To upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.43 on Windows, complete the following steps:
- Create a backup of the Express Server Tomcat directory.
By default, the Tomcat directory is in the following location:
C:\ProgramFiles/LizardTech/Express Server/ImageServer/Tomcat
- Open the Windows Services utility.
- Stop the LizardTech Express Server Tomcat Service and the LizardTech Express Server Admin Backend Service.
- Navigate to the following URL to download the version of Tomcat to which you want to upgrade:
Tomcat 9.0.x:
Make sure you download the 64-bit Windows .zip file
- Extract the contents of the downloaded archive.
- Copy the extracted files to the Express Server Tomcat directory.
- If a prompt appears, confirm that you want to overwrite the files in the Express Server Tomcat directory.
- Navigate to the directory where you stored the backup of the previous version of Tomcat, and copy the following files and directories to the Express Server Tomcat directory:
- conf/catalina.policy
- conf/server.xml
- conf/tomcat-users.xml
- webapps/
- In the Express Server Tomcat directory, open the conf/ file in a text editor.
- Find the line that contains the shared.loader property and replace it with the following line:
- Edit the Express Server Windows Registry entry to direct the Express Server Tomcat service to the new version of Tomcat (exe)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Services -> LTTomcat8 -> ImagePath
- Open the Windows Services utility.
- Start the LizardTech Express Server Tomcat Service and the LizardTech Express Server Admin Backend Service.