Extensis gathers anonymous product information to help better understand our customer’s needs in order to deliver the best software.
No personal information is collected and participation is optional. Review the following frequently asked questions for details:
What information does Extensis collect?
Extensis collects various system and software information such as,
- System platform, operating system version, core/processor and memory details
- Extensis product versions and feature usage
- Web browser versions
How does Extensis use the information it collects?
Collected information is reviewed to help us make product improvements and for the development of new features.
How does participation work?
When installing Extensis software, a Product Improvements window is displayed requesting your consent into the program. If you do not want to participate you can simply opt-out.
Note: An Internet connection is required to participate. If an Internet connection is not available the information is stored and transferred when a connection is restored.
Can I stop participation at any time?
Yes, participation is voluntary and you can opt-out at any time.
Does Extensis have a privacy protection policy?
Yes, Extensis works hard to protect your privacy and only uses information collected to improve our products and solutions. The information collected doesn’t contain any personal details and is not useful outside of Extensis.
Learn more about Extensis’ privacy protection policy here: