Affected versions
This article applies to all versions of Connect Fonts & Suitcase Fusion.
When you open Connect Fonts and enter your credentials, you get a message: "Your subscription or trial has expired. Please purchase a license to continue using Connect Fonts".
Connect Fonts displays this error when our servers can't find a valid Connect Fonts license seat assigned to the email address.
I just bought a new Connect Fonts subscription
New subscriptions may take up to an hour to show up on your account.
If you buy a single-seat subscription for Connect Fonts, we assign the license seat to the email address used to buy the subscription. Make sure that's the email address you use to log in to Connect Fonts.
If you used a different email address to buy your subscription, or if you bought a multi-seat subscription, the license manager of the subscription can assign a seat to your email address. For more information, go to Assigning seats or licenses to Connect Fonts users.
Someone invited me to an existing subscription
If you haven't received an invitation email, double-check that the license manager sent the invitation to the correct email address. If you can't locate the invitation email, it may have landed in a spam or junk mail folder, or caught in a mail server filter. You can try resetting your Connect Fonts account's password manually via the Forgot Password page.
I renewed my subscription after it expired
Automatic subscription renewals are processed in batches during the day. If you've updated your payment method or changed your subscription to auto-renew, we'll process it during the next batch typically within the next 24 hours.
To reactivate your subscription immediately, go to your Subscriptions page, then select the Manage drop-down and select 'Turn off auto-renew'. Once auto-renew is off, you can select the Renewal option:
This will bring you to the Renewal Preview page where you can manually process your renewal via the Confirm button. After you reactivate your subscription, you can turn auto-renew back.
None of these situations apply to me
If you still can't log in to Connect Fonts, you can submit a support request.