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You can add a configuration file to systems with Universal Type Client installed to point the client to Universal Type Server. If you have UTS or LDAP Bind authentication set up in UTS, users will only need to enter their username and password to connect to UTS. If you also have Kerberos Single Sign-On configured, users will not be presented with a login dialog at all; they will be automatically connected using the credentials they used to log on to their computer.
To enable Universal Type Client users to connect quickly with Universal Type Server, administrators can create and deploy a configuration file that contains Type Server connection information. When this file is placed on a Universal Type Client computer, the login dialog is pre-filled with the correct server address and port. When used in conjunction with Kerberos authentication, this can provide an automatic login (Single Sign-On) to Universal Type Server.
The configuration file follows the basic format of parameter=value
The following parameters can be set:
server.address= server.port=
For example, if your Universal Type Server is at the IP address using the default port, your configuration file would contain the following parameters:
server.address= server.port=8080
To allow the Universal Type Client to recognize the configuration file, it must be saved as a UTF-8 text file named com.extensis.UniversalTypeClient.conf
and placed in the following location on the client computers:
- Macintosh: /Library/Preferences/
- Windows 64-bit:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Extensis\Universal Type Client
- Windows 32-bit:
C:\Program Files\Extensis\Universal Type Client
Saving a file in UTF-8 format
The UTF-8 file format is a common standard; however, you may experience difficulty with your config file depending on the program you use to create it.
You can use either Notepad or WordPad to create your config file.
- In Notepad, save the file using the ANSI encoding (do not use UTF-8 from Notepad; this adds a byte order marker, or BOM, which is not recognized by Universal Type Client.)
- In WordPad, save the file as an MS-DOS format text document. (WordPad’s Unicode is UTF-16 Little Endian format, which is not recognized by Universal Type Client.)
- To create your configuration file using an alternative editor to either Notepad or WordPad, we suggest using the excellent and free text editor, Notepad++, available for download here. Before saving, be sure to select Encoding > Encode in UTF-8 without BOM.
You can use TextEdit or BBEdit to save your config file in the proper format.
- With Textedit, make sure the file is formatted as plain text. Choose Format > Make Plain Text. (If the menu reads Make Rich Text, then the file is already in plain text format.)
In the 'Save As' dialog, choose Plain Text Encoding > Unicode (UTF-8). (If this option is not available, choose Plain Text Encoding > Customize Encodings List, check the box for Unicode (UTF-8) near the top of the Custom Encoding List, then choose the correct encoding from the pop-up menu.)
Finally, click 'Save'. - A worthwhile text editor for Macintosh, BBEdit, is available from Bare Bones Software. Set the encoding to Unicode (UTF-8) in the 'Save As' dialog when you save your file.