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Portfolio can be installed locally (“on premises”) to dedicated Windows Server or macOS instances, or to Windows Server residing within cloud-hosted environments such as Amazon EC2 or Microsoft Azure.
Local System Requirements
These are the minimum requirements to install and launch the server component of Portfolio. In most cases you will need more in the way of server resources: more processor cores, more RAM, and faster hard drives with more space. The Recommendations section can help you decide on the right server configuration for your needs.
- Windows® Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, or Windows Server 2019
- 2.0 GHz or faster 4-core processor
(8 or more processor cores will improve performance of catalogs with over 500,000 assets)
- macOS™ 10.11 through 10.15 or macOS 11.x (Big Sur)
- 2.0 GHz or faster 4-core Intel® processor
(8 or more processor cores will improve performance of catalogs with over 500,000 assets)
NOTE: We currently do not support running Portfolio on Apple M1-based systems.
Local System Recommendations
- Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019
—OR— - macOS 10.11 through macOS 10.14
Assets | Users | Cores | Disk Speed | RAM | Boot Drive | Data Drive |
< 50,000 | 3 | 4 | 60 MB/s | 16 GB | 100 GB | 125 GB |
< 500,000 | 5 | 4 | 180 MB/s | 16 GB | 100 GB | 250 GB |
< 1,000,000 | 10 | 8 | 250 MB/s | 16 GB | 150 GB | 500 GB |
< 5,000,000 | 25 | 12 | 250 MB/s | 24 GB | 500 GB | 2.5 TB |
< 10,000,000 | 50 | 24 | 250 MB/s | 32 GB | 1 TB | 5 TB |
Cloud Hosting Decision Points
To help decide whether a cloud-hosted Portfolio server is right for your organization, drive space requirements should be carefully considered, as cloud-hosted environments typically have contiguous storage limitations. How much total drive space do your original assets currently consume? What is your projected rate of growth over the next few years?
A cloud-hosted Portfolio server is only reasonable for under about 1,000,000 assets consuming under 500GB of storage. After this, performance can start to suffer, and cost can start to be prohibitive.
Whether cloud-hosted or on-premises, Portfolio can take advantage of your organization’s Active Directory with LDAP Bind, and Single Sign-On.
Amazon EC2 System Recommendations
If you wish to set up an Amazon EC2 instance for use with Portfolio, then use the following recommendations:
- Choose the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with Windows Server 2016 Base or Windows Server 2019 Base
- Choose an Instance Type based on the number of assets that you expect to add to your Portfolio catalogs:
Assets | Instance Type |
< 50,000 | m5.xlarge |
< 500,000 | m5.xlarge |
< 1,000,000 | m5.2large |
Over 1,000,000 | Not Recommended |
Microsoft Azure System Recommendations
If you wish to set up a Microsoft Azure VM to use with Portfolio, use the following configuration options:
- Choose an image with Windows Server 2016 or Windows Server 2019
- Choose a Size based on the number of assets that you expect to add to your Portfolio catalogs:
Assets | Size |
< 50,000 | D4s V3 |
< 500,000 | D4s V3 |
< 1,000,000 | D8s V3 |
Over 1,000,000 | Not Recommended |
Extensis Integration and Consulting Services
Whether you decide to use a cloud-hosted server or prefer to keep all your resources local to your organization, Extensis can help you configure Portfolio for maximum performance.
Extensis can also help you migrate a local installation of Portfolio to a cloud server that you have provisioned to meet your needs.
For more information about the services available, visit our website.
To start a conversation about a specific project, contact one of our Customer Success Managers using this form. Under “How Can We Help You” describe the project you would like help with.