If you are missing emails from Extensis, please check your email account's Spam or Junk folder to ensure the message was not filtered. If the message was filtered, you may find an option to 'Mark as good', 'Not Spam', 'Not junk', or 'Add sender to white-list.' This will aid in receiving future emails from Extensis.
Try these additional steps as needed:
- Check your Spam/Junk email folder. Sometimes, certain email clients do not recognize email from extensis.com. If you find Extensis messages in your Spam or Junk folder, add noreply@extensis.com, updates@extensis.com, and donotreply@extensis.com to your Email Contacts, or Safe Senders list. This will allow your mail client to recognize Extensis emails and deliver them to your Inbox.
Here are examples of the "From" field from our email notification:
From: "Extensis Updates" <updates@extensis.com>
From: "Extensis Account New Password" <noreply@extensis.com>
From: "Extensis Software - DO NOT REPLY" <donotreply@extensis.com>
- Firewall, Content Filter, or Email Security Policy: Check if your firewall or virus scanner is blocking the email notifications. Contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or Corporate IT department and ask that emails from the following domains added to the email whitelist (safe sender) to ensure that Extensis messages are not blocked.
- Extensis.com
- Incorrectly typed email address: Is the sender using your correct email address? Ask them to double-check that they entered your address correctly.
- If you are using Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook mail, please follow the additional steps below:
- Login to your Gmail by Google account
- Click Contacts
- Click the New Contact button in the top-left corner of the Contact Manager
- Enter noreply@extensis.com in the email field.
- Click the Add button to save
- Repeat steps 3 - 5 using noreply@extensis.com as the new contact
- Alternatively, you can mark a message from Extensis.com as 'Not spam,' - your Contacts list is automatically updated so that future messages from us are received in your inbox.
Yahoo! Mail
- Login to your Yahoo! Mail account
- In your Spam folder, click the Extensis email to select it.
- Then click Not Spam, which is above the list of emails
- If you continue seeing these emails in your Spam folder and want them in a Non-Spam folder, you can set up a filter and send them to any folder you wish.
Outlook/Windows Live
- Log in to your Outlook Mail/Windows Live(or Hotmail) account.
- Go to Options > More Options >
- Under Junk e-mail, choose Safe senders
- in the Enter a sender or domain here box, enter extensis.com and then choose Add +, then click Save
- Messages from Extensis.com will not be sent to the Junk Email Folder