Connect Fonts extracts information about installed fonts that you can use to locate and organize them.
You can edit the information that Connect Fonts stores about each font, and add your own information, such as tags.
Extracted font information
Connect Fonts stores information about a font that it extracts directly from the font file. This information includes:
The font’s full name
This is usually the name you see in theFontmenu in your applications.
The font’s Postscript name
This is the name that most applications use to uniquely identify a font.
The font’s family
The font’s style or styles, if any
The type or format of the font
The font’s version number
The foundry
This may be the company or individual who created the font, or the distributor
Modifying extracted information
You can change the Classification, Foundry, or Style information for any font in any library.
Changing this information does not modify the actual font file. Connect Fonts makes your changes in its database. This information is only available from within Connect Fonts.
To change an attribute:
Select one or more fonts to modify.
Choose Edit > Edit Attributes.
In the Attributes window, click the Classifications, Foundries, or Styles tab.
Select the attribute to apply to the selected fonts.
Fonts can only have one Classification or Foundry assigned, but can have multiple Styles.
If any attribute has a dash in the selection box or button, it means that attribute is applied to some of the fonts in your selection.
When you are finished changing attributes, clickDone.
Adding information
In addition to the information that Connect Fonts extracts from your fonts, you can attach more information to each font.
You can mark your favorite fonts so that they are always quickly available.
To mark a font as a favorite, click the star icon in the font’s tile.
You can use the Favorite status as a criterion for Advanced Find (see Advanced Find and Smart Searches).
All your favorites are automatically listed in the Favorite Fonts Smart Search.
Adding tags
You can tag your fonts with a word or phrase that will help you identify them and what you use them for.
Tags can be anything: a client’s name, a word or phrase that describes the font, or even a phrase telling you how to use (or how not to use) the font.
Some example tags are:
XYZ Company corporate font
love this ampersand!
do not use except in posters
good for body text
While some people find it beneficial to limit tags to single words or simple phrases, Connect Fonts does not restrict you to this.
To add a new tag:
Select a font (to add tags, it doesn’t matter which font is selected).
Choose Edit > Edit Attributes, or click Edit Attributes
on the toolbar.
In the Attributes window, click the Tags tab.
Connect Fonts adds a new tag named “Untitled Tag”, and selects the text for editing.
Type a new word or phrase for the tag and pressENTER.
When you are finished entering tags, click Done.
To change a tag, double-click the tag’s text, then edit the text and press ENTER.
To remove a tag, select it and click −.
To apply a tag to a font:
Select one or more fonts that you want to apply tags.
Choose Edit > Edit Attributes and click the Tags tab.
Check the box next to each tag that you want to apply to the selected fonts.
A box that has a dash in it means the tag is applied to some of the fonts in the selection; click the box once to check it, and again to clear it
To remove a tag from a font, uncheck the box next to the tag.
You can add a comment to each font. Comment text is not added to the font file itself; think of it as notes for yourself on how you might use the font, special characters in the font, or pitfalls of using the font.
To add a comment to a font:
Select the font.
Choose View > Show Info.
Click the Info tab, and type your text in the Comment field.
Comments can be up to 1024 characters long.
You can use Advanced Find to find specific comments, or to find fonts that do (or do not) have a comment added.
Choose Edit > Find Fonts.
Choose Comment from the first pop-up menu in the search criterion row.
Choose an operation from the second pop-up menu.
Choose font has comment or font does not have comment to identify fonts based on the existence of comment text.
Choose a contain or match option and enter text to identify fonts based on the content of the comment text.
Learn more about Advanced Find.