Google Fonts
Google Fonts are free open source fonts that you can use almost anywhere. Connect Fonts brings these fonts to your desktop for use in all your applications.
Google Fonts are available in the Connect Fonts desktop and Web apps and from the Extensis Font Panel in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
To add the Google Fonts library to your personal libraries, open the Connect Fonts desktop app and choose File > Add Google Fonts.
We will add a new library named Google Fonts to your Personal Libraries, and sync the fonts to your desktop.
To remove the Google Fonts library, open the Connect Fonts desktop app, click the Google Fonts library to select it then choose Edit > Delete Library.
- Please note that if the Global Permissions for Personal Libraries is turned off, you will no longer have the Add Google Fonts option in the desktop ( This is currently only available for Connect and Connect with Insight subscribers )
Google periodically updates their available fonts. This means:
- Fonts that were previously used in a document may no longer be available (the plug-in may offer a replacement when this happens).
- Custom or added tags applied to a Google font will be removed when the font is updated, as a new font of the same name will be installed from Google directly.
- Google Fonts marked Favorite will lose this status
- Google Fonts added to sets will be removed
To check for updates to the latest Google Fonts library, simply select Add Google Fonts from the Connect Fonts drop-down menu.
You can do almost anything with the Google Fonts library that you can do with any other library in Connect Fonts, including:
Add and edit tags and other properties.
Create sets.
Copy fonts to another library.
Collect fonts for output.
Mark favorite fonts.
Rename the library.
Add or remove fonts.
If you change the Google Fonts library, you can get the original back by deleting the library, then re-adding it.
Delete the library.
For additional information, see About Google Fonts.