Many applications, including your operating system, store information about fonts you use frequently. This makes accessing those fonts much faster. These font caches can become out of sync, which can lead to slower performance and to fonts not displaying properly.
It is a good idea to clean your font caches from time to time. If you are seeing problems with the way some fonts are displayed, or suddenly experience a slowdown when loading a program, it’s probably a good idea to clean your caches.
The desktop app will clean the caches maintained by:
Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat Reader;
Adobe After Effects;
Adobe Illustrator;
Adobe InCopy;
Adobe InDesign;
Adobe Photoshop;
Microsoft Office.
To clean your font caches:
Quit all other applications.
Launch the Connect Fonts desktop app.
ChooseFile > Clean Font Caches.
ClickClean and Restart.
When prompted, enter your system password and clickOK.
The desktop app will delete all the font cache files for the OS and the applications you have installed, then restart your computer.
When you restart, your computer will rebuild its font cache. Each application will rebuild its cache the next time you use it.