Connect Fonts provides auto-activation plug-ins for Sketch and for the Adobe Creative Cloud suite of applications: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy, and Adobe After Effects. The plug-in scans document and project files when opened and automatically activates the necessary fonts.
The first time you open Connect Fonts, it asks to install plug-ins. You can see which plug-ins are installed by choosing Connect Fonts > Manage Plug-ins in Connect Fonts for Mac or Edit > Manage Plug-ins for Connect Fonts for Windows.
Updating the plug-ins
When you update Connect Fonts, or install a supported application, you can update and install the latest versions of the plug-ins all at once. You can see the status of the plug-ins in the plug-in preferences.
- Choose Connect Fonts > Manage Plug-ins in Connect Fonts for Mac or Edit > Manage Plug-ins for Connect Fonts for Windows
- Click Install All Plug-ins
You must confirm that you are managing plug-ins by entering your macOS or Windows username and password.
Installing and uninstalling individual plug-ins
Choose Connect Fonts > Manage Plug-ins in Connect Fonts for Mac or Edit > Manage Plug-ins for Connect Fonts for Windows. Select the application from the drop-down menu.
To install a plug-in, check the checkbox next to the name of the application; to uninstall a plug-in, uncheck the checkbox. You must confirm that you are managing plug-ins by entering your macOS or Windows username and password.