To uninstall Connect Fonts for Mac, download the uninstaller for the latest version of Connect Fonts.
1. Unzip the Uninstaller application. When you open Uninstaller, you may get a warning that macOS has checked the application for malicious software. Click Open; you may have to enter your macOS administrator password.
2. You can remove the font vault while uninstalling by checking the checkbox, which will delete the vault including all fonts and font sets stored in it. Click Uninstall.
3. Once you've uninstalled Connect Fonts, you can remove the font vault and log files from the user's Library folder.
In the Finder, select the Go menu and hold the Option key down to reveal the hidden Library menu option. Select Library.
4. Look for left over files and delete them:
- In your Home folder, drag the ".Extensis" folder to the Trash, if it exists.
- If you chose to keep your vault in Step 2, there will be an Extensis folder under Library, leave this folder alone.
- Open the Logs folder and drag the Extensis folder to the Trash.
- Open the Caches folder and drag the com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion and com.extensis.FMCore folders to the trash
- Open the Preferences folder and drag the following files to the Trash, if they exist:
- com.extensis.FontManagement.plugins.InDesign.plist
- com.extensis.FontManagement.plugins.Photoshop.plist
- com.extensis.FontManagement.plugins.Illustrator.plist
- com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion.plist
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