The Connect Fonts desktop application can display fonts that have been activated on the Adobe Fonts website.
Adobe Fonts also comes as part of an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription.
Starting in July, 2023, Adobe changed the way they allow the Adobe cloud fonts to be managed and activated.
Extensis is currently working with Adobe on how we can adapt our product(s) to work with these changes in the near future to best help creatives like you when using fonts.
How does this affect me?
- For Connect Fonts users:
- Since the change, Adobe Fonts can NO LONGER be activated or deactivated in Connect Fonts. We will continue to show the Fonts in our application, but managing those fonts now happens in the Creative Cloud only.
- Since the change, Adobe Fonts can NO LONGER be activated or deactivated in Connect Fonts. We will continue to show the Fonts in our application, but managing those fonts now happens in the Creative Cloud only.
- Activating/Adding Adobe Fonts has changed:
- Currently, when creative cloud fonts are activated/added, they are only available in Adobe applications by default.
- To make them available to other applications and to your entire computer, you must INSTALL them in a second step - see below
Please see Adobe provided instructions here:
- Manage your Adobe Fonts
- Also: Troubleshooting Adding Fonts for assistance.
Please NOTE Adobe terms:
- Activated/Added fonts are available ONLY in Adobe application
- Installed Fonts are available on your computer at large and in all applications
- Removed fonts are fonts that are NOT active or available anywhere
You can see a list of all of the fonts that you have "Added" as well as a list of all the fonts that you have "Installed" and "Removed" on the right hand side of the CC Fonts page, here:
In some cases there is a red dot, this means that there is an installation issue.
- Hover over the dot for more information about the issue.
- The red dot can also mean that there is a duplicate font on your system.
- Due to restrictions imposed by your OS, the system will not allow the font to be correctly activated. In this case, it won’t be clear that this is the case unless you open the Creative Cloud desktop app where you will see this.
Once you have added fonts in Adobe, the Adobe Fonts Library will now appear under "Third Party Fonts" in Connect Fonts. - please see information box above.
- The activated fonts will appear in the library and will show as activated by default.
- You can create sets in the Adobe Fonts library under Third-Party Fonts as you normally would.
- You will NOT be able to drag fonts from your Adobe Font Library into other Local, Personal or Team Libraries.
- If you deactivate fonts on the Adobe Fonts website, they will be removed from Connect Fonts and from any sets you create.
- You will have to add the fonts back to the set, if you reactivate them.