NOTE: Our current capabilities to assist with remote deploy configurations are limited due to the unique remote deployment methods of our customers. The information in this article is intended as a template or to share methods we've found helpful for other customers.
Silently Installing Connect Fonts
The Connect Fonts executable can be deployed silently through command line (remove < > characters):
<path to installer exe> /s
Installing Plug-ins from Command Prompt
The following can be used in remote commands or scripts to install the auto-activation plug-ins separately, after Connect Fonts is installed. The following commands require that Connect Fonts.exe is already installed:
To install:
C:\Program Files\Extensis\Connect Fonts\Connect Fonts.exe /install
To uninstall:
C:\Program Files\Extensis\Connect Fonts\Connect Fonts.exe /uninstall
Disabling Automatic Update Notices
The following can be deployed via command line to remotely turn off the "check for automatic updates" in the client.
- Connect Fonts Desktop application must be installed on the users machine.
- The user account might need to be specified if your management account runs as root.
- A user can manually turn this back on by uninstalling and reinstalling the Connect Fonts app, or by repairing the application.
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Extensis\com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion\Prefs /v SUEnableAutomaticChecks /t REG_SZ /d 0 /f
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Extensis\com.extensis.SuitcaseFusion\Prefs /v SUAutomaticallyUpdate /t REG_SZ /d 0 /f
If you have any additional questions please submit a support request for further assistance