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Who does this affect?
This article applies to users running Portfolio 3.6.2 and earlier versions.
Which version of Portfolio am I running?
For Portfolio 2016 and Portfolio 3, you can see the full version number in a SERVER_PROPERTIES entry in usage.log:
2021-01-09 02:12:09,374 INFO [extensis.usage] SERVER_PROPERTIES: {"serverVersion":"3.6.0", [...]
By default, the usage.log can be found in /Applications/Extensis/Portfolio Server/logs/ on macOS and C:\Program Files (x86)\Extensis\Portfolio Server\logs\ on Windows. Older versions of Portfolio do not have a usage.log.
What are the symptoms?
When you open the link to the Portfolio Administration application, you get either a generic Flash thumbnail image or a page prompting you to install Adobe Flash Player. Opening Portfolio Web client in Portfolio 2016 or Portfolio 1.x gives the same result.
Why is this happening?
Adobe ended support for Adobe Flash Player on December 31, 2020. The last releases of Flash Player stopped running content on January 12, 2021, and major web browsers deactivated support for the Flash plug-in on January 31, 2021. The Adobe Flash Player EOL General Information Page has details on Adobe’s decision to end support for Flash Player.
Is there a solution?
If you are running Portfolio 3.6.2 or any earlier version, please contact our Customer Success team so we can help you come up with an upgrade or migration plan.
Extensis released Portfolio 3.0 with a redesigned Portfolio Web client built with React; we released Portfolio 3.6.3 in March, 2020, with a redesigned Portfolio Administration application. The Portfolio 3 release notes list other improvements.
Upgrading to Portfolio 3.6.3 may require upgrading to a newer version of macOS or Windows; the Portfolio 3 system requirements page has more details.