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Upon opening a document or project in Adobe Illustrator, a message will appear that the font is missing from the project.
Replacement font(s) shown as the same font or a similar font, but different by version, type or name.
This will occur on all versions of Universal Type Client and Adobe Illustrator on the Windows and Mac operating systems.
In a recent change to our plug-in architecture, we have removed the previously enabled option of “Pick Best Match”. This option allowed the plug-in to select the “closest match” of a font available in Universal Type Clients library.
Picking the best match could automatically substitute fonts in a document and cause undesired font substitution results without the user realizing it.
This option has been deprecated to prevent unexpected font substitutions.
When the “Missing Original Version” font dialog is presented, select a desired font from the “Possible Replacements” list for use in the project as shown below.
If a possible replacement font is not available, or not the correct font for the project… You should obtain the original font from the originator of the project.
Once the fonts been selected or replace, re-save the document and the font metadata will be saved to the project file. Upon reopening the document, this message will not appear again unless the font has been removed from your Universal Type Client Workgroup.