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After upgrading my Universal Type Client, the QuickComp feature is no longer available.
The QuickComp feature is part of legacy 32-bit Universal Type Client code and has been removed from version 7.0.2 to optimize the application’s performance in 64-bit operating systems.
Based on the anonymous customer data we collect, there aren’t many people using it. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense for Extensis to invest additional development resources to migrate it for 64-bit systems.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
If you want to continue using QuickComp you will need to remain on Universal Type Client versions 7.0.1 and prior. Version 7.0.1 will only remain compatible with UTS 7 server versions.
NOTE: If you have critical workflow needs broken by the removal of QuickComp, please contact us so we may better understand your workflow requirements.