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While using Adobe Illustrator CC 2019, I get a warning dialog: “The Extensis font management plug-in couldn’t locate a running copy of the Extensis font manager. Please quit this application, start your font manager, then try again.”
This issue happens with Universal Type Client 7 and Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 with the Esko DeskPack plug-ins on all supported versions of macOS.
- Open Adobe Illustrator CC 2019
- Choose Adobe Illustrator > Preferences > General.
- Check the “Use Legacy ‘File New’ interface” checkbox and click OK.
The Esko plug-ins have not been updated to use the new file interface. This causes a conflict with the Extensis font management plug-ins. Until the Esko plug-ins have been updated, enabling the option to use the legacy file interface works around the issue.