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When you open the Extensis font panel in Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe InCopy, or Adobe Photsoshop, the panel is blank. The first time you open the font panel in Adobe Photoshop, you get an error dialog stating the “Extensis” extension could not be loaded.
This issue happens with Universal Type Client 7.0 and 7.0.1 for Mac OS and Windows, and Adobe Illustrator CC 2018 or earlier, Adobe InDesign CC 2018 or earlier, Adobe InCopy CC 2018 or earlier, or Adobe Photsoshop CC 2018 or earlier.
Replacing the Extensis font panel on Mac OS
NOTE: These commands should be run from a Mac OS user account that is an Administrator on your computer.
Download the following zip file: https://cs.extensis.com/2019-font-panels/font-panel-installer-mac-os.zip
- Drag the zip file to your Desktop
- Unzip the font-panel-installer-mac-os.zip
- Open the font-panel-installer-mac-os folder
- Double-click on the InstallPanels file; it will open a Terminal window
- Enter your Mac OS Administrator password
You should see output that looks like:
When the script is complete, quit and reopen your Adobe Creative Cloud applications.
Replacing the Extensis font panel on Windows
NOTE: These commands should be run from a Windows user account that is an Administrator on your computer.
Download the following zip file: https://cs.extensis.com/2019-font-panels/font-panel-installer-windows.zip
On Windows 7, click the Start button and choose All Programs > Accessories, then right-click on Command Prompt and choose “Run as administrator”. Enter your password if prompted.
On Windows 10, right-click the Start button and choose Command Prompt (Admin).
- Drag the zip file to your Desktop
- Unzip the font-panel-installer-windows.zip
- In the Command Prompt window, enter the following command and press Enter:
cd %HOMEPATH%\Desktop\font-panel-installer-windows\
- Enter the following command and press Enter:
- When prompted, press any key to continue
You should see output that looks like:
When the script is complete, quit and reopen your Adobe Creative Cloud applications.
Cause of the Issue
The Adobe Creative Cloud applications will not load an extension that is not properly digitally signed; the font panels in Universal Type Client 7.0 and 7.0.1 were digitally-signed with a certificate that expired on February 11, 2019.
NOTE: If you uninstall and reinstall the auto-activation plug-ins from the Manage Plug-ins panel for Universal Type Client 7, you will have to reinstall the updated plug-ins again.