This article describes completely uninstalling Universal Type Server 7 from a Windows server or Mac Operating System.
The instructions below assume that Universal Type Server 7 is installed in the default locations on the startup volume and that the location of the backup folder, logs folder, and vault folder have not been changed. To see if the locations of those folders have changed, log in to the Server Administration application; the Status page lists the locations of those folders on the server.
Uninstalling UTS 7 for Windows
NOTE: This is a complete uninstall. If you are intending on reinstalling UTS 7 after this, please make a copy of your latest backup and have it handy, incase it is needed.
- Open the Control Panel, then go to Programs and Features
- Select Extensis Universal Type Server 7 and click Uninstall
- When the uninstall has finished, close Programs and Features
To remove the remaining parts of your UTS installation:
- Go to C:\Program Files\Extensis\ and remove the Universal Type Server folder
- Go to C:\ProgramData\Extensis\ and remove the UTS folder
- If the backups folder, logs folder, or vault folder were changed from the default locations, go to those locations and remove the folders
Some entries must be removed from the Windows registry. It is strongly recommended that you make a backup of your registry, in case a mistake is made.
- Open the Registry Editor
- Go to \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\extensis\
- Delete the “uts” key
- Close the Registry Editor
NOTE: Restarting the server is HIGHLY recommended, if you plan to do a clean installation of UTS.
Uninstalling UTS 7 for Mac OS
UTS includes an Installer package that stops the services and removes the application files.
- Go to /Applications/Extensis/Universal Type Server/applications/
- Open the Universal Type Server Uninstaller.pkg
- Click Continue, then click Install
- When the package has finished, close the Installer application
To remove the remaining parts of your UTS installation:
- Go to /Applications/Extensis/ and remove the Universal Type Server folder
- Go to /Library/Extensis/ and remove the UTS folder
- Go to /Library/Preferences/ and remove the extensis.uts.preferences.plist
- If the backups folder, logs folder, or vault folder were changed from the default locations, go to those locations and remove the folders
NOTE:Restarting the server is HIGHLY recommended, if you plan to do a clean installation of UTS.