Some antivirus software interferes with Universal Type Client’s ability to activate, deactivate, create previews for, or download fonts from the server. Users should set up exclusions in their antivirus software to avoid conflicts.
The following folders should be added to your antivirus software’s exclusion list. Refer to the documentation for your antivirus application for directions.
- /Library/Extensis/UTC/
The Universal Type Client application in /Applications should also be excluded from scanning; Universal Type Client copies its auto-activation plug-ins out of the application bundle during installation.
- C:\Program Files\Extensis\Universal Type Client\ (UTC version 6 and later)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Extensis\Universal Type Client\ (UTC version 5 and earlier)
- C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Extensis\
NOTE: The AppData folder is hidden by default. To view the contents of the folder, enter the complete path in the address bar of a Windows Explorer window, or paste in %localappdata% and navigate to the folder from there. To view hidden files and folders in Windows Explorer by default:
- Go to Control Panel > Folder Options
- Select the View tab
- Under “Hidden files and folders”, select “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” and click Apply