This article describes the steps required to move UTS from one server to another. Since UTS backups are cross-platform, it is possible to move from Mac to Windows and vice-versa. For the sake of brevity, instructions for configuring SSO (Single Sign On) and external databases are excluded.
The following steps will refer to an 'old server' and a 'new server'. The former refers to the system being migrated from and the latter refers to the destination. It is recommended that you perform this procedure at a time when there will be little or no demand for UTS, since it will be unavailable during parts of this procedure.
On the old server:
- Log into UTS Server Administration
In a browser, Login to the UTS server by entering the IP address of your Type Server, followed by a colon and the port number for the Server Administrator (by default, this is 18081) - OR-
IE: If your Type Server’s IP address is, then you would enter:
on the machine itself: http://localhost:18081/login
- Under 'Status', check the 'Product Version' and make a note of it. The new server will need to have this version of UTS or newer
- Click on 'Backups' under 'Datastore' in the left column
- Click on 'Backup now'. UTS will start making a backup in the location listed under 'Backup destination' in the same window
- When UTS is finished creating a backup, go to the folder where the backup is stored. The default location is in the/data/backups folder in the same directory that UTS is installed in
- Copy the newest backup to a convenient location on the new server
On the new server:
- Install the same version or newer of UTS as was on the old server. You can get installers by going here
- Once the installation is complete, activate your UTS 7 installation by following the instructions at
- Now it's time to restore your backup
- In UTS Server Administration, click on 'Backups' under 'Datastore'
- Enter the full path, including the filename, to the tar backup you intend to restore.
Example paths:
- Mac: /Applications/Extensis/Universal Type Server/data/backups/2011_03_05T00_38_53_328Z.tar
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Extensis\Universal Type Server\data\backups\2011_03_05T00_38_53_328Z.tar
- Click on the 'Restore Database' button
- You will be asked to confirm that you want to do this.
- Click on the 'OK' button if you are ready to proceed
- Once the database has finished restoring, log into UTS User Management Administration
Enter the IP address of your Type Server, followed by a colon and the port number for the Management app (by default, this is 8080).
- IE: If your Type Server’s IP address is, then you would enter - OR -
- On the machine itself: http://localhost:8080/login
- Verify that things have restored correctly. If everything looks good, you can start letting your users connect to the newly installed UTS.