A tag is a word or short phrase that you associate with one or more fonts (usually “more”). Tags give your fonts context and makes it easy to search and find fonts that meet your needs, based on pre-defined search terms that might group a selection of fonts together that might otherwise not be grouped together.
To add or edit a font's tag:
Select one or more fonts and click
Tag at the top of the window.
The Edit Tags window shows you tags that are already applied to a font. If you have selected more than one font, the window shows the tags that are common to all the selected fonts.
To add tags, enter one or more keywords or short phrases, separated by commas, into the Tags field, then press Enter or Return.
Connect Fonts adds new tags to the list of existing tags, below the Tags field:
To remove a new or existing tag, click the
inside the tag.
To remove all tags, click Clear All Tags (or Clear All Shared Tags).
Connect Fonts won’t make changes to the tags until you click Save.