The server that Portfolio is installed on has anti-virus software on it. What directories should I exclude so that Portfolio runs properly?
Below is a list of folders that should be excluded from anti-virus solutions running on the same server as Portfolio.
Default Locations:
- C:\ProgramData\Extensis
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Extensis\Portfolio Server
Custom Locations: It is possible to change the default locations for the following in Portfolio Administration, under Global Settings:
- Previews
- Temporary Work Folder
- Logs
Backups: You can set a custom location for backups in Portfolio Administration, under Backup/Restore. Previews: Each catalog can have a custom location for its preview folder. You can check that in Portfolio Administration -> Catalogs -> -> Previews
Default Locations:
- /Applications/Extensis/Portfolio Server
- /Library/Aplications Support/Extensis/Portfolio Server
- /Library/Extensis/Portfolio
Custom Locations It is possible to change the default locations for the following in Portfolio Administration, under Global Settings:
- Previews
- Temporary Work Folder
- Logs
Backups: You can set a custom location for backups in Portfolio Administration, under Backup/Restore. Previews: Each catalog can have a custom location for its preview folder. You can check that in Portfolio Administration -> Catalogs -> -> Previews