Portfolio Server won't remain in "Started" state, user receives "SOAP error (null pointer exception)" or "SOAPFault (Server): java.lang.NullPointerException null" when attempting to login to Portfolio Admin (8091)
This article covers Portfolio version 3.x and 4 on macOS
This issue is usually caused by the .preferences file writing incorrectly inside /Library/Application Support/Extensis/Portfolio Server on the server Portfolio is installed on (denoted by a similar display to the below screenshot.) Make sure to un-hide hidden files by pressing cmd+shift+. first
1. Open terminal an run the following command:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.extensis.dam-server.web.admin.launchd.plist
2. Navigate to /Library/Application Support/Extensis/Portfolio Server
3. Move all current files that are labeled or begin with .preferences files to the desktop (the files are hidden by default, press cmd+shift+. to reveal hidden files)
4. Navigate to a previous Portfolio backup (By default, this is located in /Applications/Extensis/Portfolio Server/data/backups)
5. Open the backup, navigate to the data folder, and copy the .preferences file inside
6. Navigate back to /Library/Application Support/Extensis/Portfolio Server and paste the .preferences inside
7. Open terminal an run the following command:
sudo launchctl load -F /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.extensis.dam-server.web.admin.launchd.plist
If you run into trouble with this process or have additional questions please contact technical support