A font library is a collection of fonts that are shared for members of your Fonts team. You create and delete libraries and manage user membership through Connect Admin.
To manage libraries and their membership:
Log in to Connect Admin.
Click the Admin tab.
Click Font Libraries in the sidebar.
Adding a Font Library
Click Add Library.
Enter a name for the font library, then click Create.
Typically you create a font library for a specific purpose: a type of job (such as newsletters) or a specific client, for example. Give the font library an appropriate name.
Deleting a Font Library
To delete a font library, move the mouse pointer inside the library listing, then click Delete Library. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.
Adding Users
You can add users to a font library in two different ways: from Users or from Font Libraries.
Assigning a font library to a user
Click the Admin tab, then click Users in the sidebar.
Show Libraries at the top left of the window.
In the user’s account tile, click the Font Library Membership field, then choose a font library from the menu (or choose Select All to assign all font libraries to the user).
Adding a user to a font library
Click the Admin tab, then click Font Libraries in the sidebar.
In the library tile, click the list of users, then choose a user from the menu (or choose Select All to add all users to the library).
Removing Users
You can remove users from a library in two ways: from Users or from Font Libraries.
Removing a font library assignment from a user
Click the Admin tab, then click Users in the sidebar.
Show Libraries at the top left of the window.
In the user’s account tile, click
next to the name of the font library to remove.
Removing all font library assignments from a user
Click the Admin tab, then click Users in the sidebar.
Show Libraries.
In the user’s account tile, click
to the right of the list of font libraries.
In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.
Removing a user from a font library
Click the Admin tab, then click Font Libraries in the sidebar.
In the font library tile, click
next to the name of the user to remove.
Removing all users from a font library
Click the Admin tab, then click Font Libraries in the sidebar.
In the font library tile, click
next to the right of the list of users.
In the confirmation dialog, click Delete.