True Edit is feature available to users who utilize both Connect Fonts and Connect Assets. It allows you to seamlessly edit assets in your applications locally on your machine and save them back directly to Connect. No re-upload required!
You will need to have Connect Fonts Desktop installed for this feature to function.
How Does Connect Decide What Program the Asset Will Open In?
This is determined locally on your computer. To change the default application a certain file type opens in:
Mac OS:
Right click the file you want to change the default application for and select Open with>Other
Select the application you want the file to open with by default and make sure the box labeled "Always Open With" is checked before clicking "Open"
Windows OS:
Right click the file you want to change the default application for and select Open with>Choose another app
Select the application you want the file to open with by default and check the box "Always use this app to open _____ files"
Using True Edit in Connect
Right click the asset you wish to open and select "Edit"
This will open the asset locally on your computer. Save the file as you normally would, and the changes will be uploaded to Connect.
My file won't open from within Connect Assets
Currently only files <1GB in size can be opened directory from Connect Assets
My files is taking a long time to open
This can be effected by trying to use the feature on large files. If your file is large please wait for Connect Assets to load it onto your creative application
I receive the warning: "Edit in Progress"
When another person is editing the same file you've selected you will see a warning:
Connect Assets cannot prevent two people from working on the same asset. Please close the asset until it is available to prevent issues with saving the file