Metadata is information about an asset. This can be information such as image type, file size, or a description of the asset.
Some metadata is inherent in the file itself (image type), while some can be added (description).
When you add assets, Extensis Connect collects metadata attached to the file. Connect uses this metadata when you search assets.
You can add and edit metadata for an asset in the asset preview. To preview an asset, double-click it.
To view the asset’s metadata, click Info at the top right of the preview. To edit the metadata, click Edit.
When you have finished changing the asset’s metadata, click Submit.
When you first add an asset, the name that Connect gives it corresponds to the original’s filename, without the extension.
If you edit the name then export or share the asset, Extensis Connect will use the new name as the filename (with the same extension).
To edit the name, click to clear the name, then type the new name.
Note: If you use characters that are not allowed in filenames, Connect will substitute them with underscore characters (_) when you export or share the asset.
When you’re done, click Submit, or edit other metadata.
The asset’s description is just that: a textual description of the asset. It can be as detailed as you like; you can enter over 10,000 characters into the field. We suggest that you keep it simple; the primary purpose is to act as a description of the asset, not a complete breakdown and analysis.
To edit the description, click in the field and start typing. You can click to clear any existing content.
When you’re done, click Submit, or edit other metadata.
A tag is a word or short phrase that you associate with one or more assets. Tags give assets context and makes it easy to find assets that meet your needs.
Keep your tags short and descriptive, identifying major elements, themes, colors, products, or unique business terms (for example) associated with the asset.
To add tags, enter one or more keywords or short phrases, separated by commas, into the Tags field, then click Submit. (You can also enter tags one at a time, pressing Enter or Return after each tag.)
Once you enter tags, Connect displays them below the Tags field: .
To remove a tag, click Edit, click the associated with the tag, then click Submit.
Smart tags
Connect also displays smart tags, which are added automatically when you add assets. You can’t add smart tags, but you can remove a smart tag the same way you remove a tag you added manually: Click Edit, click in the smart tag, then click Submit.
Exporting metadata
When you export or share an asset, its metadata goes with it. This includes the metadata that Connect reads when you added the asset, as well as changes you made to the filename, description, and tags.
The metadata will be visible to anyone using an application that displays the appropriate information (Adobe Photoshop, for example, will display tags as keywords).