Objective: Create a folder, copy, move, or delete assets
In the Beginner’s Getting Started Learning Track, we discovered how to add assets into Portfolio. Further, manage your team’s workspace by creating subfolders of assets. Subfolders are viewable by everyone on your team and can be organized by department, project, role, or whatever works for your organization.
Create a Subfolder of a WatchFolder Catalog
- Select a catalog within the organizer's panel
- Select the watch folder and click the “+” symbol
- Give the folder a name, and Save.
- Optional: You can create nested subfolders to further aid in organization
Note: Any changes made to the Portfolio Watch Folder structure will automatically sync to the file server location (see below)
Copy, Move, or Delete a File
To move an asset between your galleries or subfolders, click and drag the asset’s thumbnail into the destination gallery or subfolder.
To copy an asset between your subfolders, right-click on the asset(s), select "copy" then add the asset to your destination folder.
To delete an asset, select the asset and tap the delete (backspace) key on your keyboard. Confirm by clicking the “delete” button.
"Delete assets from catalog" – ( this deletes only the record from Portfolio )
"Delete original files from disk" – ( this deletes the record from Portfolio and the original from the disk )
Note: Deleting the File from Disk will delete the file from its original location and cannot be undone.