Extensis Connect shares assets through a custom Web portal. When you share assets, Connect provides you with a link that you can then share with as many people as you want to.
You can share assets for downloading, or just for previewing.
To share assets:
Select one or more assets.
Click Share
in the toolbar.
If you want to share assets for previewing then deselect Allow download.
If you want to let recipients download the assets then leave Allow download selected.
Click Share.
Click Copy Link, then click Done.
Email or message the link to the recipients that you want to access the assets.
The sharing portal
The sharing link opens a website that looks like the Extensis Connect main window. If you have shared only one asset, the portal will open to the asset preview.
The recipient can double-click an asset to preview it, sort the assets, change the thumbnail size, and, if you have allowed it, select and download any or all assets.