Affected versions
This article applies to all versions of Connect Fonts.
Why should I set up exclusions for Connect Fonts or Extensis Connect?
Some Antivirus, End-Protection & Cleaning applications may interfere with Connect basic functions
If you see problems while working with fonts in Connect Fonts, you should set Connect Fonts as an allowed application (sometimes called "whitelisting") in your Antivirus, End-Protection or Cleaning products to avoid conflicts.
Files and folders to exclude for MacOS
The following folders should be set as ignored or allowed in your antivirus product;
Refer to the documentation for your specific antivirus product for details.
- /Applications/Connect
- ~/.Extensis/
- ~/Library/Extensis/Connect Fonts/
- ~/Library/Extensis/Suitcase Fusion/ (if you upgraded from Suitcase Fusion )
~/Library/Application Support/Extensis Connect
Files and folders to exclude for Windows
The following folders should be set as ignored or allowed in your antivirus product.
Refer to the documentation for your specific antivirus product for details.
- %LOCALAPPDATA%\Extensis\
- %AppData%\Roaming\Extensis Connect
- C:\Program Files\Extensis\Connect Fonts\
Some common applications that we see:
Malwarebytes, a common Malware application, also has exclusion list called the "Allow List". Here is how to add information to that list:
McAfee allows exclusions to be added to their application under My Protection > Real Time Scanning. NOTE: certain McAfee applications in 2024, no longer allow folders to be excluded. Files only
- Instructions for both MacOS and Windows here
Other applications like "Clean My Mac" also has an Exclusions list called the "Ignore List".