This process establishes a secure link between Extensis Connect and your organization's domain (or domains).
This process can take several hours to validate through the SSO and Extensis' systems. We recommend starting this process first, before adding Extensis Connect to your SSO provider.
- Log in to Extensis Connect at
- If it is not already open, click Directory Service.
Note: You must be an admin user or license manager to see this tab - Copy the TXT Record in it's entirety
- Add the TXT Record to your DNS
It should only take a few minutes for the DNS change to take effect, but may take up to 48 hours. - After waiting a few minutes, enter your domain name into the Domain field and click Add & Verify Domain. (This is the domain of the email address that your users log in with.)
Note: To add multiple domains, add the same "extensis-domain-verification" string to each domain registrar, then add and verify each domain.